Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Three more sleeps...

I've had my bag packed since Saturday and made many lists of things I need to do. Including organising the kids so they can survive with out me for 12 days.
I am currently recovering (with the help of antibiotics) from an ear infection as a result of a cold that has been doing the rounds at school- lucky it was last Thursday and this week end and not the next one! a plane trip is not fun with an ear ache!

Friday, 5 March 2010

Count down....Three weeks to go.

By this time in three weeks I'll be in Thailand. It just so happens that Chicky Babe's school ball is on the night of the day I fly out.
I have to make her ball dress in the next couple of weekends. The lovely red satin has been purchased and the pattern that requires only minimal adjusting. (I've made this same dress pattern before as a wedding dress for a friend and as a bridesmaid dress for myself, it's not at all complicated.)
I just have to convince her that she should do some housework while I do the dress. I think that is fair! I also had a good idea that for every hour of logbook driving time I do with Bantam Boy for his driver's license he will owe me an hour in housework and gardening. 25 hours in the next 3 weeks. My house should be sparkling!
He's trying to see if there is anyone else he can con into taking him!
As promised earlier here's a picture of the collection of patterns I got from a lady from work ( her mother was a collector of patterns and she recently passed away, I was given them because I might enjoy them) I love them!