Friday 14 January 2011


Today I had one of the most lovely afternoons ever. Right here in my very ordinary neighbourhood.

I asked Chicky Babe and Bek if they would like to come for a walk down to the local coffee shop to help me boost my exercise for the day. I bribed them with a milkshake or whatever they wanted. To my surprise they said yes!
We sat for over 2 hours chatting and chatting and chatting. The weather was perfect and the company delightful! Bek was surprised that I would sit and chat seriously about Dr Who (I also have a Geeky side!) she couldn't imagine her parents doing that!
Truly what more could you wish for in a perfect afternoon than spending lovely time with your almost 18year old daughter and 'adopted' daughter!


2paw said...

They're growing up, that's what's happened. They are 'real people' now, and that's such a nice thing!!!

lauren carney said...

Hello little sparrow,
this is a bit of a nifty space you've got here!
I enjoy the photo-goodness you have on display!
Happy blogging you! x x x

Jess said...

How nice! I look forward to having the same sort of relationship with my own daughters as they grow older - a friendship :)

Dette - thanks so much for your comment on my blog re: The Guilt Monster. Your advice was exactly what I needed to hear and precisly (spelling!?) why I love blogging. Thanks again x