Well one done....not sure that I feel as excited about the second one. I'm having trouble with the rib at the top of the next one, and that's the easy part. I'm just too tired. I've had a cold for the last 7 days and my year 3 class had to present the assembly this week. That meant extra stress and props and costumes to organise. Plus I have a prac student in my class (although he is quite good so far it's something else to contend with) We did a play of 'Where the Wild Things Are'. One of the parents commented saying it would not be too much of a stretch for these kids. They are a very "lively" bunch of kids.
Tomorrow I have to be up and off early as I've decided to go for Senior Teacher Status, that means extra study and that means tomorrow and next Saturday will be spent doing extra school work. But in the end it will mean a significant increase in salary so that's a bonus. I'm thinking that I could drop a day a week and with the increase in pay not notice it so much.
PS. I now have one warm comfy foot and one slightly cold one! (Yes I am now walking about the house with one sock on.)
Hello one sock lady. Your one sock looks very nice. Imagine how good it will feel to wear two of them! Have a great weekend! L
Aww.. poor lonely sock... it looks lovely though.
And I can just imagine that mob of "lively" eight-year-olds shrieking "We'll eat you up!" (By the way, did you hear they're making a movie of WTWTA?)
Hope you feel better soon, Red
Coolest sock ever. Pablo will glom onto it tho.
That is a fabulous sock. Hope you're letting both your feet take turns wearing it!
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