Sunday, 11 September 2011

Glasses are cool...

I've finally had to admit to myself that my eyes are not as good as they used to be. Last week I went to get my eyes checked, Mum has glaucoma so she has been on at me to get it checked out so I went to the optometrist with trepidation. As it turns out everything is fine except that I need reading glasses as is consistent with someone of my age. 

So now I have 2 pairs of reading glasses that I have to get used to carrying about and not losing! I rarely pay much for sunglasses as I have a habit of putting then down and leaving them about. I decided to pay a little extra above and beyond my private health cover to get a couple of pairs of designer frames as they just looked so much better on. Above is my red pair and I have a more sophisticated pair of black frames too.
I can now see the loops in the crochet when the yarn is black, and it is far more pleasurable to crochet now. Also I have discovered that perhaps I am not as bad at taking photos as I thought! And a large percentage of photos I thought were blurry and unfocused are in fact pretty much right!
PS: Thank you harry potter and dr who because glasses are now cool especially in our geeky household ;)
PPS: Also now I will be able to read maps and see fine details in the artworks while in Europe!!!


Anki and Sassa said...

Ha! I need to get bloomin' bifocals! How tragic is THAT?! I've always needed the driving/tv watching ones but now....I love watching those people like me who are in denial stretching out the thing they're reading as far way as their arm will allow to try to focus. Glasses are indeed cool - Clark Kent cool...

2paw said...

Cool glasses, and yes, glasses are pretty cool now, though I have never cared really. I need mine for seeing long distances but all my friends need them for reading so I am the go-to close up reader person!!
I hate the puff of air test they do. I try to duck aside. I love the peripheral vision test!!