I've been trying to rush to finish this off. I seem to be so far away from finishing and I'm getting impatient with it. I've just spent the evening unpicking squares that were not in the right spot. I started this project as my first one after a thirty year break from crochet and the tension varies from the first lot of squares to the most recent ones and I've learnt how to join them better too. I've also realised that I can add rows of crochet on the edge of a square to make them fit a space better, but I learnt this after I'd sewn quite a bit together already.
(This is a phone photo)
When I first started I would block the squares as I went. Now, because I am notoriously impatient when it comes to finishing things off I'm just sewing them together and blocking it after! I had a look at Babettes on purl bee and realised that they are all following a pattern and carefully crocheting the correct number of squares of the right size and then carefully arranging them according to that....hmmmm, I am not like that. I'm crocheting colours as I feel like it not calculating the patterns and colour combinations and sewing as I go along. I'm adopting a far more intuitive approach.
The other day two of my kids came into the staff room to show me the jewellery they had been making in their lunch break. The other one was a ring of similar construction. They were so excited and I was thrilled that the culture of the school (which was predominately or even dominantly a 'sport' orientated school with little interest in the arts) is beginning to change. I actually got goose bumps because of their excitement and keenness to share their creations with me.

These are the ingredients I used to make dinner one evening recently. The green stuff is Kale from my garden. Luckily I got to use it because yesterday when I went out into my garden I noticed I have provided a banquet for some type of Caterpillar. It looks more like "lace kale"

Well at least Bantam Boy and I enjoyed our chicken and Kale coconut curry with almond slivers sprinkled on top.
Tomorrow we are going to a play at the kids high school. One of Bantam Boy's friend's is playing the lead role so we are really looking forward to it.
Tomorrow I really must clean my room. It has been embarrassing for months...it looks more like a teenager's room than a mummy's room. No more excuses! Hopefully having posted this here I will be more inclined to do it. (fingers crossed)
I really like the colour scheme. It's going to look great when it's done!
I love the look of your blanket. It's a great look with the different sized squares and the colours are gorgeous. Do you sell your blankets by any chance?
And thanks for your comment. I can so imagine that excruciating feeling as the kids grow older and you're still so tied to them but at the same time able to reassert your own life and all the fear that can come with that!
(And I am definitely going to make that quince cake. Looks delicious.)
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