Last night I stayed up untill 2am cleaning and starting the cooking for today. (and looking for tim's combi keys!!!!)

I made a quince and coconut cake for brunch (click the link to find the recipe on my cooking blog)
I have never used quince before and was surprised at how long they needed to be cooked for, I poached them in sugar syrup for one and a half houres and they turn from a pale creamy yellow to a lovely rich pink colour. They have a high level of pectin in them which made the syrup go all jammy. Then the baking time in the oven made them caremelise a bit too.

I also made a quiche or asparagus and greek fetta tart. So simple but surprisingly delicious. Luckilly I did my usual over catering trick, Tart, bacon, organic sausages, fried onion and tomato, "mock snapper" as my granny used to call them or you may know them as hash browns or Potato Latkes ,a herb salad, champagne and juice, tea coffe and cake and cream. So there will be leftovers for tea tonight. which is good because I was up again at 9 and was cooking until 11 when Mum and Ron arrived for brunch. so now we can graze on left overs for the rest of the day and I won't be doing any more cooking!

I also got a new CD- Lamb Chop ,very listenable...
Now I intend to listen to my CD and play a bit on my computer for a little longer then have a bit of a nap. I feel increadibly tired today and don't even have the energy to crochet a single square for my rug! Maybe I will after a nap.
I have never used quince before and was surprised at how long they needed to be cooked for, I poached them in sugar syrup for one and a half houres and they turn from a pale creamy yellow to a lovely rich pink colour. They have a high level of pectin in them which made the syrup go all jammy. Then the baking time in the oven made them caremelise a bit too.

I also made a quiche or asparagus and greek fetta tart. So simple but surprisingly delicious. Luckilly I did my usual over catering trick, Tart, bacon, organic sausages, fried onion and tomato, "mock snapper" as my granny used to call them or you may know them as hash browns or Potato Latkes ,a herb salad, champagne and juice, tea coffe and cake and cream. So there will be leftovers for tea tonight. which is good because I was up again at 9 and was cooking until 11 when Mum and Ron arrived for brunch. so now we can graze on left overs for the rest of the day and I won't be doing any more cooking!

Bantam boy and Chicky babe gave me some lovely pink wine glasses and tumblers and some tulips as seen featured the photo of the table. I got to use my crochet edged tablecloth and new place mats.
I also got a new CD- Lamb Chop ,very listenable...
Now I intend to listen to my CD and play a bit on my computer for a little longer then have a bit of a nap. I feel increadibly tired today and don't even have the energy to crochet a single square for my rug! Maybe I will after a nap.
oh my god you put me to shame. I'm impressed.
My son went to Rugby, I took my daughter to breakfast, my mother was otherwise occupied so I went to yoga and then had a sleep!
I have insisted that I be taken out to dinner.
At least I got a bunch of flowers!
I actually enjoyed the cooking- it's kind of where my creative energy seems to be flowing at the moment. It will for a while and then I won't want to cook for weeks on end! And I'll do something different Hope you enjoy dinner! I'm looking forward to a nap too!
all i have been able to think about is your table covered in lovely food, but that tablecloth and the matching placemats!!! I want some!!
Miss Hen, kudos to you, what a lovely spread! I hope your Mother was most appreciative. I bought some nibblies and got a cake for mother's day and we all sat around laughing and eating and watching Feast India. Also I watched a sad Indian Movie on teev, after which I balled my eyes out. I'm so lame!
I'd like to try your quiche recipe but use my home~grown silverbeet instead of asparagus.
Thanks for the link to the drawing day too.
Sounds like a great mother's day, but I thought you were supposed to get the day off from cooking.... but great that it's something you enjoy.
I wanted to say thanks for all the great crochet links too! Hopefully there'll be some results to show soon.
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