I had to put this on the table to get it squared off. I meant that I had to unpick sections to make it sit better but in doing so I was rather surprised to see that I was closer to being completed than I had thought. Looking at it from above (yes I'm standing on the table!) I am enjoying the colours and the arrangement. It really does remind me of the work of Gustav Klimt, one of my favourite artists. In fact I took my Klimt book into the wool shop to help me select the colours. The center section which is the multi sized squares is almost complete and then I will frame them with a boarder of green, purple and pink maybe. Rachel asked if I sell my rugs. The thing about these kind of rugs, well any kind of handmade rug or object for that matter, they often take more time to do than you can reasonably charge for. Particularly things like crochet and knitting, that's what nanas and women do and hence they are often highly under valued. It's a homely craft passed from mother to daughter-unless your daughter has no interest at all in the weird knitted stuff! (That's why it's nice to connect with a community of people who really appreciate hand made objects!) This particular rug has taken me forever! Although as it was my first crochet project after a thirty odd year break it may have taken longer and the tension varies from the first squares to the more recent ones. I'm already planning another one.
Chicky Babe wanted to go into perth to meet up with some friends on saturday so I took her. I am not keen for her to take public transport into the city on her own- she thinks I over react. Maybe I do but I needed to go into the gallery anyway. I've booked into a one day jewellery making workshop with David Walker and had to pay in order to confirm my booking. Plus I have been keen to see the Year 12 Perspectives exhibition. High school kids nowadays are very clever and the schools do a great job. I came away thinking I'm going to have to support Bantam Boy in his art course partly bey being a nag to keep him off MSN. 5 minutes on that can turn int two hours before he knows it!
Don't ask me what I did today, wasted a lot of time, went to visit my mum, drove the kids around and got flashed by a speed camera- third one in 27 years! Bother!!!! I was going to go into school to do some work but just couldn't bring myself to do so. Apparently an ex student with emotional problems, has made threats towards me. I'm sure there is nothing to it, just a lot of hot air but it has affected me a bit...I'm not sure what I will do about it. I might talk to the union and see what they think. As a result I was a bit nervous to go into school.
Speaking of which I should do the work I was going to do then now and resist the urge to continue with my rug!
PS: How do I delete unwanted comments on posts?????
Lets drink to Sunday afternoon F*ckititis. Your rug looks beautiful, Hen.
Umm, that's an uncustomarily long comment there Jill.....
The rug looks great- I'm actually planning on doing a textile project based on Klimt soon myself.
And you certainly shouldn't feel guilty about sitting down making rugs after you've had a day like that!
Wow! I love your rug and have to say, it's my favourite that I've seen to date, yep, very Klimt!
I can see why you want to delete a comment... from the top of my head..... sign into Blogger as if you were going to do a post and from there "View blog". Then click on the comments of the post and you should see a little trash can at the end of each comment. Click on that and that should do the trick.
Thanks Melanie! Yes that was a particularly long and somewhat innapropriate post and she didn't even mention the rug!!!!
Hi there! I just wanted to say thank you for the lovely comment on my blog- it's given me the chance to come over here and be amazed by that rug! Wow! What an incredible amount of work and love you must have put into it. Fabulous! xx
P.S. I'm very intrigued by this inappropriate comment :-) I have yet to get one and it sounds very exciting now that it's gone! LOL :-)
I love that rug so much it makes my teeth ache.
I REALLY love it. It's so beautiful.
My goodness, who cares about a bit of mess when you have been busy on something as brilliant as that?
The squares are glowing - so beautiful. It look like a work or art.I am always amazed at how much the old ladies who make new knitted and crocheted rugs for an opshop I go to sell them for - like, for nothing compared to the time they put into it, I guess they don't mind but it is amazing.
So sorry to hear about your work dramas - hope it gets sorted soon.
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