Saturday 3 May 2008


Finally I have started a Babette Blanket. Actually they were one of the first things I looked at on this blogging art & craft community. A friend introduced me and I became addicted. I think that having people to share what I am making with, here and on flick-r, drives me to have something to include fairly regularly. ThereforeI tend to make sure I allow myself time to create now. However as so few people read it I don't feel pressured to produce or post.

I recently confessed to this same friend that I have in fact had my own blog for some time. I guess I was a bit nervous about what people would think about what I write and how- a bit of a legacy from the red marked school essays and my fragile ego! But this is really a means for me to engage in "random" conversations and I have found it helps me focus on the good things I see around me. The camera can tell 2 stories! In particular in the photo of me in the red wrap dress, if I'd moved the camera to the side just a fraction you would have seen Chicky Babe's half finished cereal bowl left on the coffee table. Another thing I find is that the process of thinking about and creating a blog is helping me to decide what it is that I want to create.

At this moment it is the babette blanket and that is what the title refers to! I rushed into the wool shop as soon as I could after school armed with my Gustav Klimt landscapes book and using this picture (lets see if I can figure out how to do the link..... maybe I have!) I selected some colours. I asked the woman in the shop she suggested using 100% acrylic. Cheap, yes but nice, no!

In the end I went for a washable Marino wool, here in lies the lunacy- I'm not sure if I chose the right type of wool, it seems a little heavy, but the woman assured me it will be warm. Then I am not sure if the colours are at all right. The computer hasn't really picked up the green particularly well it looks black. However I feel it actually is a bit dark. I guess I'll just add some leafy mid green into the mix. On top of that, I have no idea how much wool will be required to make a rug.

I made a start on it last night. I am just taking a bit of an impulsive attitude to colour selection at the moment but I wonder if that is wise. Will the colour distribution be pleasing? This is a bit of a departure from the normal way I work. I normally like to plan things carefully and have a pretty good idea what I want to make in my head if I havn't made a sketch. All I have at the moment is I want a bluey, greeny rug with jewel like colours for a bit of lift, that is reminiscent of the work of one of my favourite artists. Wish me luck!

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